Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Whistleblower Bombshell: Flynn Betrayed US to Russia ‘Within Minutes’ of Trump Being Sworn In

Whistleblower Account Alleges Michael Flynn Sent Text About Nuclear Business Deal As Trump Gave Inauguration Speech

If you thought things couldn't get worse for Michael Flynn and the people associated with him in the Russia investigation, think again.

Representative Elijah Cummings sent a letter to Republican Chairman of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Trey Gowdy describing the account of a whistleblower from June 2017 with information on Flynn's questionable actions on Inauguration Day.

Related: Trump's Latest Twitter Storm on Flynn and Comey Delves Into Conspiracy Nut Territory

Cummings relays the account of the unnamed whistleblower who described a conversation with Alex Copson, a business associate of Flynn's and managing partner at ACU Strategic Partners. The whistleblower spoke with Copson during an event and reported that businessman received a text from Flynn during the inauguration of Donald Trump that made him rather gleeful.

When asked how he was doing, Copson allegedly responded:

I couldn't be better. This is the best day of my life. This is the start of something I have been working on for years, and we are good to go. 

Copson went on to describe a "joint partnership between the United States and Russia relating to the [nuclear] energy sector in the Middle East". He then showed the whistleblower a text message from Michael Flynn received during Trump's inauguration speech that said the project was "good to go".

Copson then makes it clear Flynn has been working on this for some time.

Mr. Copson then told the whistleblower, "Mike has been putting everything in place for us…This is going to make a lot of wealthy people."

Mr. Copson explained that General Flynn was making sure sanctions would be "ripped up" as one of his first orders of business and that this would allow money to start flowing into the project.

Copson then derides former President Barack Obama for sanctions that blocked this deal.

He also pointed out this would help put more U.S. military forces in these countries and, after speaking derogatorily about the people of the area, stated "they will be better when we recolonize the Middle East".

Cummings requested a number of people to be subpoenaed in light of the information provided by the whistleblower. The list includes Flynn, his son, and current White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, among others.

Related: Trump Administration Ridiculously Tries to Distance Themselves from Flynn – by Blaming Obama

The Democrat asks the Chairman of the Benghazi Select Committee to be as thorough in investigating these leads as he was in pursing "allegations against Secretary Clinton that were debunked years ago".

Michael Flynn resigned in disgrace as National Security Adviser less than a month into the Donald Trump presidency. Flynn agreed to plead guilty to lying to the FBI last week in the department's investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

Featured image via Saul Loeb – Pool/Getty Images (cropped).

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